Author Warren Fahy lives and writes in Miami Beach, Florida
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New York Times best selling author Warren Fahy managed a bookstore at 19, was a movie and books database designer for 5 companies, helped coin the word "mullet" for the notorious hairstyle now inducted in the Oxford English Dictionary, was lead writer for Rock Star Games' Red Dead Revolver, and wrote comedy for robots in Hong Kong.
His debut novel, the science thriller FRAGMENT, was nominated for a BSFA and an International Thriller Award and is published in 19 languages. The sequel, PANDEMONIUM, is now available, as well as his non-fiction work with author James S. Valliant, CREATING CHRIST: HOW ROMAN EMPERORS INVENTED CHRISTIANITY, praised by such scholars as Robert Eisenman, esteemed translator of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
FANGORIA on FRAGMENT: "I haven't had this much fun reading a science/adventure thriller since Jurassic Park. For the last half I was frozen in place -- I couldn't move, couldn't talk. I even teared up a couple of times in pure joy. It took hours for the adrenaline to wear off."
JAMES ROLLINS on PANDEMONIUM: "PANDEMONIUM is pure genius, an otherworldly wonder as creative as the best of Jules Verne. Here is riveting scientific speculation paired with bravado storytelling."
ROBERT EISENMAN on CREATING CHRIST: "...A book so original, exciting, accessible and informed on subjects that are of obvious importance to the world. This is a work of outstanding and original scholarship."
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